Kevin Ohlsson

mastodon is just better


When I scroll Twitter, it's mostly just "oh, I guess that happened. Oh, that sucks. Aww, that's cute. Oh no, that person died? Ugh, more sportscrap I don't care about.", meanwhile, when I scroll Mastodon, it's more like like "OH! That seems interesting, gotta check that out. Oh hey, that's cool, show me more. Aww, that's cute."

This obviously is not just because of the platform itself, but more dependant on the people I follow on the various platforms. But on Twitter it feels like an uphill battle to see something fun, cool, or interesting. Not on Mastodon.

I will also not blame Twitter for being a toxic helldump like so many others would. As a Tweetdeck user, I don't see any of the trending topics or hashtags, and thankfully miss out on so much extra horrible garbage. I only see what the people I follow share ... unfortunately that's still a lot of horrible garbage.


I was playing around with DiffusionBee, trying to make a banner/header image for this post. Below are the different results.

prompt: social platform Twitter bird on fire
prompt: social platform Twitter bird on fire
prompt: social platform Twitter bird on fire
prompt: social platform Twitter bird on fire
prompt: mastodon battles Twitter
prompt: mastodon battles Twitter

None of them felt right to use as a banner, but I figured I'd share them anyway


© Kevin Ohlsson 2024